James Taylor's lyrical journey nearest and dearest to my heart,
the "Highway Song," speaks of the road and a longing for the soul to ramble. A place of solitude in motion, to think, to reflect, to form new ideas or resurrect old ones. The road is a place that brings tremendous joy and creativity into the heart of me. After a grueling two years of limitations that were killing my soul slowly (who else is with me on this one?), not to mention several health scares that had almost killed me for real, it becomes a safe space where I put myself back together with a renewed spirit for life, time after time. It is the place where I spritually survive and thrive. Thanks to the many Local Cultural Councils throughout the Commonwealth with the support of the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Dyer Maker Studio® will be “back on the road again” this spring and summer. “Dyeing to Wear It: Creating Community with Color” will partner with libraries all around the Commonwealth. Follow my social media pages as I prepare to journey around this beautiful state of Massachusetts, along with a dip into the neighboring state of New Hampshire, with more announcements and more places to come, just there, on the “blue horizon” ...
Rhonda M. FazioAuthor. CategoriesArchives
October 2022